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Assigning keys to columns of Dataset while importing?

Posted 2 years ago

I am new to Mathematica and was looking for some help.

I have successfully imported an excel sheet as a dataset, however, I wanted to manipulate the dataset but realised I need a key to do so. When I imported them, the two columns of data appeared as a dataset, however, with no key. How can I assign a key to each column? It is not possible to directly assign this as there are hundreds of rows of data.

Is there a way to assign the key when importing the data or even to do this after?


POSTED BY: Antonia Duncan
3 Replies
Posted 2 years ago

If the Excel file has column headers use

Import[<file>, {"Dataset", 1}, HeaderLines -> 1]

If it does not then after the import

headers = {"Date", "Cases"};
ds[All, AssociationThread[headers, #] &]

where ds is the imported Dataset.

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
Posted 2 years ago

It would be easier to help if you provided:

  • The shape of the original data (what does the excel sheet look like? or just paste the heading and a couple of rows for us to look at)
  • The shape of what you want it to look like in Mathematica. Or maybe it makes more sense to tell us what you want to be able to do with this data, and then we can suggest a representation.

The code you posted is too much of a mess to try to untangle, and I suspect that you've modified your actual code to try to simplify your question. So, it'd just be easier if you explain what you have and what your objective is.

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey

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