I am new to Mathematica and for some unknown reason I can not get my code pasted into the box with the Mathematica symbol.
I have pasted some of the code below but it does no look clear, so I have attached my entire notebook.
If you go to the first graphic in my notebook : - Static frames of 'APE'

When you first use it , it has errors, but when you evaluate it, it works fine.
Can anyone get rid of the errors, and end up with the same end result?
Mr Andrew Pepes
A[\[Phi]_, \[Psi]_, \_] = RotationMatrix[\[Pi] - \, {0, 0, 1}].RotationMatrix[\[Psi], {1, 0, 0}].RotationMatrix[\[Pi] - \[Phi], {0, 0, 1}];
fin1[k_] = Table[N@A[0, i*k 2 Pi/n, (-i*2 Pi/n) + Pi/2].{0, 1, 0} + 2 {Cos[i*2 Pi/n], Sin[i*2 Pi/n], 0}, {i, 360}];
n = 360; (* number of beads on toroid *)
Manipulate[ Graphics3D[{{Hue[ 0.17], {Sphere[#, (0.01 + k/100)], Hue[0.3], Sphere[{0, 0, 0}, (.04 + k/200)]} & /@ Take[fin1[k]]}}, Boxed -> False, ViewAngle -> Pi/16, SphericalRegion -> False, PlotRange -> {{-6.5, 6.5}, {-4.5 - k, 4.5 + k}, {-6, 6}}], {{k, 0, "k rotations in plane"}, {0, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64}, SaveDefinitions -> True}]
PS The same happens to the third graphic under : - More details.
and if you are up to it, how can I get the last graphic to stay central while spinning, I want the graphic to spin and not the box that contains it!
Many thanks to all that can help, before I ask for more complicated help. I desire to eventually simulate a multidimensional entity into one dynamic graphic.