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Monitor starts then stops after a while

Posted 2 years ago

When I run this program Monitor starts ok but when it reaches 414757754 it stops, the program seems to keep going. Occasionally when it stops a message appears saying dynamic updating has stopped, abort or continue. Could some one see if they have the same issue please?

Monitor[Do[a = Table[PrimePi[NextPrime[w/u]], {u, 2, 10, 2}]; 
  b = Flatten[
    Table[Partition[Table[Prime[i], {i, a[[r]] - 2 r, a[[r]] + 2 r}], 
      2 r, 1], {r, 1, Length[a]}], 1]; c = Select[b, Total[#] == w &];
   If[Length[c] == 5, Print[w, " , ", Column[c]]], {w, 414750412, 
   415000000}], w]
POSTED BY: Paul Cleary
5 Replies

I have reported this as a bug.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau
Posted 2 years ago

Unable to reproduce on 13.0.1 for Mac OS X ARM (64-bit) (January 28, 2022). When I aborted the computation w was 414772944. Perhaps try with a fresh kernel?

POSTED BY: Updating Name
Posted 2 years ago

Thanks for trying, however I have re-booted at least 3 times and done a complete shutdown of the pc and its just this one program that seems to have the issue, my last attempt it evaluated to 414752647 before it stopped and after a few moments the message the Kernel is not responding to a dynamic evaluation pops up. I am also on 13.0.1 but win10, 64-bit.

Anyway thanks again for your time.

POSTED BY: Paul Cleary

I reproduced in 13.0.1 on Ubuntu 18.04 Linux and notified a few people. That's the extent of my knowledge at this time.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau
Posted 2 years ago

I removed the Monitor because it does slow down the computation and let it run overnight. It finished in 3983 seconds with only one result printed - the first one.

414750412 , {207375191,207375221}
POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
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