we are currently evaluating Mathematica as an platform for implementation of our calculations. Thus I am interested in the compilation feature for C.
I have a notebook which contains functions defined in the usual way:
In[210]:= func1[a_, b_] := a*b
In[211]:= func1[2, 3]
Out[211]= 6
I would like to compile this function into C code:
In[212]:= << CCodeGenerator`
In[213]:= cFun = Compile[{a, b}, func1];
CCodeStringGenerate[cFun, "bla"]
During evaluation of In[213]:= CCodeGenerate::wmreq: The expression Function[{a,b},func1] requires Mathematica to be evaluated. The function will be generated but can be expected to fail with a nonzero error code when executed. >>
if I put a*b directly into the Compile[] statement it works.
Why is that? is there a way around that or do I have to repeat all the functions defined in the notebook to get them into C?
Kind regards,