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CloseSQLConnection[] - when not assigned to a variable

I have a .m file that defines a Database connection. Connection Name is "Pontis". I can open the connection, but since I did not assign it to a variable, like "conn", I do not know how to close the connection (Help file on CloseSQLConnection only shows how to use it if you assigned the command to a ("variable"?) named "conn").

I tried: CloseSQLConnection[Pontis] CloseSQLConnection["Pontis"] and also with no quotes and not Capitalized, and nothing worked; the connection still appears when I run SQLConnections[]

The output of running these "CloseSQL" commands show the echo of my command and not an empty string ("{}") so I don't think that it ran the command but the command name was recognized (in blue) so I did not mistype it.

I am a novice so please explain thoroughly and I welcome any additional comments/resources.

Thank you very much for your time and help,


POSTED BY: Benoit Cordoba
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