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How can I make Plot color bars thicker or more vibrant in PlotLegends?

When I use PlotLegends -> "Expressions" in a multiple plot, it works okay. But the colorbars to the left that differentiate the functions are so thin I can't always make out the different colors. Is there a way to make them thicker, or choose more vibrant colors?

POSTED BY: James Mooney
2 Replies

Thanks. PlotStyle worked better than SwatchLegend. Now I can gather all my fave 2D plot styles into an initialization function. "Avoid unnecessary typing." --Manual of WolfStyle

POSTED BY: James Mooney

Use SwatchLegend instead?

Or adjust the PlotStyle of the plot; the legend will take over these colors/thicknesses/dashing etc.

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
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