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HTML documentation doesn't show images (Workbench Eclipse plugin + M13)

We are developing GTPack, a Mathematica group theory package with an extensive documentation. The workbench eclipse plugin has been powerful in writing this documentation and compiling it to the standard Mathematica form. However, I am recently facing trouble with the generation of HTML documentation pages. The "documentation build" generates all necessary images and code, but when I open the page they are not displayed.

What do I need to do to fix this issue? I am using Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (Version: 2019-12 (4.14.0)), Wolfram Workbench (10.2.43), Mathematica 13, and Ubuntu 22.04.

I provide an example below.

For example, the regular documentation page looks like this: regular Mathematica documentation

In contrast, the html version is lacking the images and looks as follows: html version

8 Replies

Hi, I have the same problem as Matthias Geilhufe but I do not see a solution to the problem in this discussion except to try a new tool. Does anyone have a solution? Thanks. Frederic

POSTED BY: Aitken Frederic

Unfortunately, the problem of generating functioning Mathematica HTML documentation persists. I am using Mathematica 13.2 and generate the HTML documentation by

PacletDocumentationBuild[GTPackDir, builddir, "HTML"];

Here, GTPackDir is the directory where the package is locally stored and builddir the directory, where the HTML documentation is supposed to be built. While all image files are generated correctly, they still cannot be seen on the actual HTML documentation pages. When opening an HTML file, I can see that images seem to be embedded with divs:

<div class="hideable">
     <div id="416978728"
     <div id="7783792"
     <div class="clipboard-output"
         data-out=" "

So I wonder if there is a modification to the style file required or if there is a general bug while generating the HTML files. For example, I can't find a css-file defining the classes "clipboard-input" and "clipboard-output".

For any help, I would be really grateful, as this issue slows down our development significantly. Is there a functioning example one could follow?

Thanks in advance!

Hi Connor,

Thanks for your reply! We currently have a website hosting GTPack, which is There we also have an HTML documentation (see However, this documentation is obtained using a fairly outdated approach and several patches etc. Therefore I tried: i) most recent WorkBench + Mathematica 13; ii) The Documentation tools in Mathematica 13. Both, unfortunately, give the same error with missing images at the moment.

I agree it would be best to have a separate discussion, thanks for taking time for that! I will reach out separately.

Also, thanks for bringing up the paclet option. We are currently looking in to it.

Thanks, Matthias

Hi again Mattias, I had a closer look at your work and noticed that your GroupTheory package appears to be a free package that anyone can download. If I've understood that correctly, then you might be interested in our new Wolfram Paclet Repository (, which is a place where anyone can freely publish Wolfram Language code and documentation (in the form of a paclet) that they want to share with other users of Wolfram Language.

Paclets published to the Paclet Repository automatically have their documentation notebooks deployed online (in fact, they're deployed as Wolfram Cloud notebooks, not simply as HTML).

Paclet Repository paclets are also very easy to share with other users. Because they're listed in the repository, other users would be able to install it simply by evaluating PacletInstall["MattiasGeilhufe/GroupTheory"] (hypothetically assuming that is the name you chose; that's at your discretion).

Of course, using the Paclet Repository is not required, so if you'd prefer to continue deploying your package in the current way, then feel free to disregard this answer.

And again, please let me know if you'd like early access to an update with that HTML build issue fix.

Thanks, Connor

POSTED BY: Connor Gray

Hi Matthias, I work closely with the documentation team at WRI, and specifically on the PacletTools package.

From your description I see you're using the Workbench plugin to build the documentation. It would help me narrow things down if you could clarify which of the following is the situation you're in:

  1. You've previously built HTML that built and rendered correctly, but recently built HTML has stopped working.

  2. You've previously built notebook documentation, but not HTLM documentation. This is your first time building HTML documentation, but you're seeing problems with the built pages.

In either case, you should know that the documentation building logic in the Workbench plugin recently (earlier this year) went through a major overhaul as part of a concurrent change to bring the ability to author and build documentation into Wolfram Language itself, which greatly improved and modernized the built notebook documentation, but unfortunately caused a few issues with the built HTML documentation.

We're in the process of fixing and updating the HTML generation logic, which should be released alongside the next WL version and as an automatic paclet update.

However, in the meantime, I'd be happy to work with you directly to get you a pre-release version more quickly once it's available. If you're interested in that, please let me know and I will reach out to connect privately.

POSTED BY: Connor Gray

Hi Connor,

You can find my contact details here:

Thanks, Matthias

Thank you! I wasn't aware of the new tools and tried them right away. Unfortunately, the problem persists. As before, Mathematica generated all html pages and necessary images. However, when I open a html site, the images are not shown.

Is it possible that there is an issue with the JavaScript? I only have one file in the js folder, js/3.0.0/wal.js

Have you look into the new tools? Like Paclet Repository that marks new tech ear for packages development and also makes nice doc pages like this

by hooking into also new Documentation Tools

POSTED BY: Kapio Letto
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