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Street Level Distance Measurents, Buiilding Counts and ID, and, KMZ files ?

Posted 2 years ago

Hello, I recently started a project which requires that I use the Geo functionality of the Wolfram language. This is my first experience using this functionality. I watched several helpful videos by the Wolfram team but I still have several questions.

I need to work with satellite and street-level maps of buildings, homes, and roads.

1) Is there a tool/function to measure distances along roads and from building to building similar to the distance measurement tools in Google Earth and Google Maps? If so, can it be automated to measure along every road in a town for instance, and save the data in a list? I know that right-clicking on the maps allows me to obtain coordinates (lat, lon) manually but this will not be practical given the numbers of roads and buildings on a map. Even for the smallest of towns trying to write down coordinates manually and then converting to distances is an exercise in futility. Are there any graph or network theory functions that would potentially be useful for this application?

2) Is there a tool/neural network that can integrate with the Wolfram language that can pick buildings out of these mapping/satellite images? I tried several of the trained neural networks in the Wolfram repository but these are not trained on satellite imagery and all failed for my purposes.

3) Is there a GeoBackground that will show both the streets and their names along with the outlines of the buildings similar to the "VectorWeb" style (which only shows road but no building outlines). Google Maps shows building and home outlines when zoomed in close enough.

4) I noticed that the GeoScaleBar, ironically, does not scale properly when using DynamicGeoGraphics. In fact, it is static and does not change at all when zooming in or out of a dynamic map. Is there a fix for this?

5) My client has supplied me with several KMZ files that were created using Google Earth but do not display properly in the Wolfram program once imported. Namely, the custom lines and information they provided on their maps are distorted (exceedingly large) while the map portion itself is OK. How can I restyle the lines and markers on their KMZ files within Mathematica so that they display correctly? I've tried things like PlotStyle->Thickness[0.0050] but it doesn't know what to do with that. Also is there a way to manipulate these KMZ files using the Geo tools in Mathematica such as changing the GeoBackground or even overlaying it with Opacity onto a map that was created within the Wolfram language and covers the same region? I can pull the spatial range that KMZ files cover and create maps in Wolfram that cover the exact same region but I can't seem to get the two maps to "play nice" with one another. I would also like to make the KMZ maps dynamic but DynamicGeoGraphics chokes on these files. Any suggestions?

I know that I wrote quite a bit and I thank you all for any assistance that you can provide in any of the above.



POSTED BY: Kerry Litvin
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