Are you interested in seeing how high schoolers are using the Wolfram Language? Excited to learn about the concepts behind their innovative projects? Join Sam Natarajan and Rushank Goyal every two weeks for a new episode of the Wolfram Student Podcast!
Every episode, the two of us interview a high schooler who has created a cool project—from 4D cellular automata to computationally-generated music to neural networks with Boolean functions. We spend 25-30 minutes discussing the ideas behind their work and exploring important pieces of code. Occasionally, we'll do a special episode featuring developers and specialists working at Wolfram.
The first two episodes are already up on the Wolfram YouTube channel, with more to come every other Wednesday. Access our playlist here. You can also listen to the audio version on Spotify.
If you're a high schooler who would like to be featured, feel free to fill out this form!