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Errors in Plot after setting global CompilationOptions

Posted 1 year ago

I stumbled upon a strange error while working with Mathematica 12.3.1

I tried to set global settings for the "CompilationOptions" of "Compile" using the function SetOptions.

    "InlineCompiledFunctions" -> True,
    "InlineExternalDefinitions" -> True

The options influence the compilation of "Compile" as expected, however a different error message started to appear as I went on.

Suddenly when I tried using the regular "Plot"-function in a simple example of:


the following error messages appeared:

  • Plot::colvl: The value {InlineCompiledFunctions->True,InlineExternalDefinitions->True} of the option CompileOptimizations is not 0, 1, 2, All, or None.

  • None::colvl: The value {InlineCompiledFunctions->True,InlineExternalDefinitions->True} of the option CompileOptimizations is not 0, 1, 2, All, or None.

How does this influence each other, and can I fix the error message without having to manually set the options in every Compile function?

POSTED BY: Michael Haring
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