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DAE error messages related to NDSolve command

Dear All,

Nice to know you all. I am a new user of Mathematica and just joined this community by today. I hope that I can have discussions with you. Currently I am running a script to obtain some parameters by using FindFit command. While running the script, I got many error messages (please refer to attach.)

So may I know the meaning of each error message? What is DAE? What is the meaning of the DAE solver failed at t=29.01. The solver is intended for index 1 DAE systems and structural analysis indicates that the DAE is structurally singular.

Is that t referring to the t of my simulation? In this case, my simulation time is from t=1 to t=101. If that error message means that there is something wrong at t=29.01, so what went wrong? There are also other error messages such as NDSolve::nderr: Error test failure at t=77.69, unable to continue.

I am not sure what went wrong so I am looking forward to receive your advises. Thanks for your attention and have a nice day.

Best Regards, Intan

2 Replies

Hi, If you can include the error messages in your post, this will help us tell you what they mean.

DAE stands for Differential Algebraic Equation. There's more information available about them online. The index of a DAE is how many times the system has to be differentiated to turn into a set of regular differential equations. In this case NDSolve can handle order 1 DAEs.

The notebook attached has many different parts. I would begin by producing the simplest possible example of the problem and removing extraneous material from what is causing the issue. The issue is with NDSolve, so I'd begin by finding what equations were given to NDSolve.

POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
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