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Viewing molecular orbitals .cube files. Problem with version 13.1

Posted 2 years ago

I have been using


to view molecular orbitals. E.g. the homo orbital of CO2: homo.CO2

This was generated with version 12 of Mathematica.

Using version 13.1 the exact same .cube file now renders as


Something changed. Anyone knows what happened?

Best regards Per Hedegård

POSTED BY: Per Hedegard
Posted 2 years ago

This is an awful bug in ListContourPlot3D that got into version 13.1 and should have been caught before release. This has been fixed in development builds, and the fix will be included in the next Mathematica release.

Please try this function as a workaround in the meantime:

CubePlot::usage = "CubePlot[file] gives a list of surface plots for the given cube file. Any option for MoleculePlot3D or ContourPlot3D can be given.";
CubePlot[cubeFile_, opts___ ? OptionQ] := Module[
    {mol, data, range, molplot},
    mol = Import[cubeFile, "Molecule"];
    data = mol["MetaInformation"]["VolumetricData", "Data"];
    range = Part[mol @ "MetaInformation", "VolumetricData", "DataRange"];
    If[!MatchQ[data, {__NumericArray}],
       Return[Missing @ "NotAvailable", Module]
    molplot = MoleculePlot3D[mol, FilterRules[{opts}, Options @ MoleculePlot3D]];
    Map[cubePlot[molplot, range, #, opts]&, data]
cubePlot[molplot_, range_, data_, opts___] := Module[
    {interpFunc, plotVars, surfaces},
    interpFunc = ListInterpolation[Transpose[Normal @ data, {3, 2, 1}], range];
    plotVars = MapThread[Prepend, {range, {x, y, z}}];
    surfaces = ContourPlot3D[interpFunc[x, y, z],
       Evaluate[Sequence @@ plotVars],
       Evaluate @ FilterRules[{opts}, Options @ ContourPlot3D],
       Contours -> {-0.03, 0.03},
       ContourStyle -> Opacity[0.8],
       Mesh -> None
    Show[molplot, surfaces]
POSTED BY: Updating Name
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