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[R&DL] Q&A with Calculus & Algebra Developers

Have you heard? We are hosting another Wolfram R&D Live Q&A session on Twitch and YouTube featuring developers from the Calculus and Algebra team! Join us Wednesday November 30th at 11 AM CST.

Devendra Kapadia and Daniel Lichtblau will be answering your questions. You can help us narrow down topics interesting to you by discussing them on this thread.

Here are some examples of topics:

  • Continuous Calculus (integration, differential equations...)
  • Discrete Calculus (summation, transforms, ...)
  • Algebra (polynomials, algebraic equations, ...)
  • Special Functions (BesselJ, MeijerG, ...)

Find out more about Calculus and Algebra here.

Post your questions ahead of time below!

POSTED BY: Keren Garcia
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