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Bode Plot and Bandwidth in Wolfram SystemModeler

Posted 1 year ago

Hi, everone. I design a servo system model in Wolfram SystemModeler. I have a problem about the frequency response. I check that designed PID controller is good or not for my system. I want to look at bode plot of my model, but I cannot find any Bode Plot block in Wolfram SystemModeler. How can check this requirement? Can you help me to model the servo system? Thanks

POSTED BY: Frank Jon
2 Replies

Check the following example: Modelica.Electrical.QuasiStationary.SinglePhase.Examples.SeriesBode

You can also linearize the model using SystemModelLinearize and then use BodePlot function.

POSTED BY: Ankit Naik
Posted 1 year ago

Thank you for your answer. I will try

POSTED BY: Frank Jon
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