Hello everyone, I am now having problems with code that I had written, so I thought to use debugger,but the aid does not give me much information, then I thought I'd ask the community how work this debugger, for example if I have the following code :
While[FreeQ[vistos, {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 0}}, Infinity] &&
contador < 15,
exa = mutacion[Last[vistos]];
For[i = 1, i <= Length@exa, i++,
If[FreeQ[vistos, exa[[i]], Infinity] &&
FreeQ[examinados, exa[[i]], Infinity],
AppendTo[aux, exa[[i]]];
](*end if*)
];(*end for*)
fmaximo = f /@ aux;
buscaf = Flatten[Position[fmaximo, Max[fmaximo]]];
If[Length[buscaf] == 1,
AppendTo[vistos, aux[[First[buscaf]]]];
aux = DeleteCases[aux, aux[[First[buscaf]]]];
For[k = 1, k <= Length[aux], k++, AppendTo[examinados, aux[[k]]]];
,(* else *)
For[i = 1, i <= Length[buscaf], i++,
AppendTo[auxuno, aux[[buscaf[[i]]]]];
aux = DeleteCases[aux, aux[[buscaf[[i]]]]];
];(* end for*)
minimog = g /@ (auxuno /. {0 -> 9}) ;
If[MemberQ[minimog, 0],
Which[Length [minimog] == 1, minimog[[1]] = 1,
Length [minimog] == 2, For[b = 1, b <= 2, b++, minimo[[b]] = 2],
Length [minimog] == 3, For[b = 1, b <= 3, b++, minimo[[b]] = 3]]];
buscag = Flatten[Position[minimog, Min[minimog]]];
For[k = 1, k <= Length[aux], k++,
AppendTo[examinados, aux[[k]]]
];(* end for*)
aux = {};
how to do step by step to see the code I've written, you can do line by line? thanks in advance