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How to specify PlotMarkers as used by Mathematica automatically

Posted 1 year ago

With PlotMarkers -> Automatic Mathematica cycles through 10 shapes - actually 5 shapes (circle, square, diamond, up triangle and down triangle) and 2 styles (filled/solid and hollow/open) as shown in the attached notebook. The first two are easy to reproduce, but how can the others be specified?

POSTED BY: Paul Newton
2 Replies

The default markers are


That list is from

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
Posted 1 year ago

Thanks Rohit I am attaching a notebook which compares the PlotMarkers used with "Automatic" and those obtained from Graphics`PlotMarkers[]. I am using the PlotMarkers from this code

{filledcircle, filledsquare, filleddiamond, filleduptriangle, 
   filleddowntriangle, circle, square, diamond, uptriangle, 
   downtriangle} = Graphics`PlotMarkers[][[All, 1]];

The appearance of the "Automatic" PlotMarkers is quite different from the appearance of those obtained as above, Also note


It would be so much better if there were the equivalents of Disk[] and Rectangle[] for the other shapes.

POSTED BY: Paul Newton
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