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New resources, improvements in Mathematica Online

It's been very exciting working with our prerelease testers and learning from your usage of Mathematica Online. We've been reading your feedback and working hard to squash bugs and improve features wherever we can.

We have just completed our first update since the prerelease began a few weeks ago. I'd like to share a few important items with you.

Discuss Mathematica Online in the Wolfram Community
Our new Wolfram Community is a great platform for asking questions and discussing ideas with other people who useMathematica Online. We're inviting all current Mathematica Online prerelease testers to explore the Wolfram Community beta.

Getting Started Video
You'll notice a new Getting Started video the next time you sign in. We wanted to give people who are new to the service a basic overview of Mathematica Online. We'll be updating the video as we add more features and get closer to launch.

New Prerelease Resources
We have added an FAQ document to the prerelease resources section. Give it a look to find helpful answers to questions we've received so far.

Updates and Bug Fixes
Read-only documents: An important change we've made is to make all read-only documents evaluatable when you are signed in. This will initially be useful when you use some of the prerelease resources. It should also be useful when you share with your colleagues. Your feedback is welcome as we continue improving this feature.

Lastly, we have fixed some bugs. Release notes for the latest update have been posted.


Chris Williamson
POSTED BY: Chris Williamson
6 Replies
How can I have access to Mathematica on line?
POSTED BY: Rodrigo Murta
Hi Chris,
yesterday it worked fine for me.
Now I get often the pop-up saying
"There is no available kernel, please try again later"
Could you update to Mathematica 9, please?
Could you extend the timeout, to, say 15 or 20 minutes?
I find it a bit disturbing to restart MO after a seesion timeout has been reached.
The nice
example only works fine for me in Firefox. In Goole Chrome Version 24.0.1312.52 the balls start to bounce fine first, but when I click outside the
box the CDF plugin (Version 9) hangs and turns pink.
Would it be possible to improve the Upload functionality to allow folders ?
This would make it easier to upload my own packages. Right now this is not as easy as it could be.
For any more than toy applications the whole interface (look, page-setup) needs to be customizable.
Is this on your agenda?
Also, since obviously if I cannot install MathematicaOnline in a similar fashion as webMathematica myself (or for a customer),
the professional usefulness will be quite limited.
When do you plan to start testing this (e.g. you could provide a VMware-appliance or some such)?

POSTED BY: Rolf Mertig
Hey Rolf, 

Sorry I had been away and I didn't see this until just now.  I will ask support to follow up with you.

POSTED BY: Chris Williamson
Hi Chris and others,
since weeks I cannot use Mathematica online, i.e., I do not get a kernel connection nor can I open a new notebook.

I suggested to support to reset my user account, since it is not a fault on my side (having tested a bunch of
different browsers on different Windows and Linux computers).

Can others use Mathematica online?

POSTED BY: Rolf Mertig
Good start.
Still lots of things to develop & improve.
I see enormous possibilities for the development of knowledge based comunities where knowledge and experience flows back and forth between the members.
I can immagine this developing within education environments and also within commercial consulting, training etc.
Great development !
There is definitely more to come. The team is working hard to deliver interesting new features every few weeks, so keep an eye out for more coming. We are also very excited about the possibilities in the areas you mention and many more.

Thanks for the thoughts. Keep them coming!
POSTED BY: Chris Williamson
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