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Plot graphs with ListPointPlot3D and different colours and size of points

Posted 11 years ago

Hello I am New in Mathematica.

I have a set of points and I want to visualize in Wolfram Mathematica.
Big Blue points

{{0.35, 5.9709, -0.494276}, 
{0.25,  6.4709, -0.794276},
 {0.3, 6.2709, -0.564276},
{0.3,  5.6709, -0.594276}}

Little Green points

 {{0.3, -3.41212, -1.20591}, 
{0.4, -3.21543, -1.12591}, 
{0.4, -3.61472, -1.33312}}

I wrote code, but it doesn't work

   gg4 = ListPointPlot3D[{{0.35, 5.9709, -0.494276}, {0.25, 
        6.4709, -0.794276}, {0.3, 6.2709, -0.564276}, {0.3, 
        5.6709, -0.594276}}, PlotStyle -> {Blue, PointSize[0.04]}]
   gg2 = ListPointPlot3D[{{0.3, -3.41212, -1.20591}, {0.4, -3.21543, \
    -1.12591}, {0.4, -3.61472, -1.33312}},
      PlotStyle -> {Green, PointSize[0.01]}]
    Show[gg4, gg2]

I see 2 problems: 1) Function Show , shows date only from gg4

2) PointSize function doesn't work. It is working, when I write PlotStyle -> { PointSize[0.01],Green} , but the colour function is not working in this case.

Please, help me. I must get a working program by tomorrow.(

POSTED BY: Ivan Ivan

Here is a simple approach to start from:

blueData = {{0.35, 5.9709, -0.494276}, {0.25, 
    6.4709, -0.794276}, {0.3, 6.2709, -0.564276}, {0.3, 
    5.6709, -0.594276}};

greenData = {{0.3, -3.41212, -1.20591}, {0.4, -3.21543, -1.12591}, 
{0.4, -3.61472, -1.33312}};

ListPointPlot3D[{blueData, greenData}, 
 PlotStyle -> {Directive[Blue, PointSize[Large]], 
   Directive[Green, PointSize[Medium]]}]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: David Reiss
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