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Is $?(e^{\pi CMRB})$ Rational?

CMRB is nomenclature for the MRB constant.

The difference between it and the following rational number is on the order of $10^{-22,426}.$ Further, the difference between it and the much more concise (albeit factored) rational number is on the order of $10^{-7018}.$

POSTED BY: Marvin Ray Burns
2 Replies

Here is a more than 6,532,490 digit near rational approximation involving the MRB constant.

If enter image description here is rational then enter image description here is a quadratic.

POSTED BY: Marvin Ray Burns

It seems that one can make arbitrarily close rational approximations for c,n in enter image description here involving the MRB constant (MB), as well as many other constants. The location of a given constant on the number line will enable c and n to be smaller and still produce an approximation that is accurate to several digits. MB is in a spot that is very efficient at yielding approximations to several digits of accuracy for many given n's with c=17/8. as shown by a nearly flat line region of the MinkowskiQuestionMark function: enter image description here

POSTED BY: Marvin Ray Burns
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