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[R&DL] Ask Integration Questions to Oleg Marichev

It's time for the first Q&A session of the year! Oleg Marichev will be answering your integration questions on Twitch and YouTube! Join us Wednesday January 25th at 11 AM CST.

Oleg Marichev is a developer of mathematical functions and integration, working in WRI since 1991. He has published eleven books and is a co-author of the Wolfram Functions Site.

You can help us narrow down topics interesting to you by discussing them on this thread.

Here are some examples of topics:

  • Why can some integrals be evaluated and many others not?
  • What are some of the main ideas that you covered in your books?

Find out more about Integration HERE.

Post your questions ahead of time below!

POSTED BY: Keren Garcia
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