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Use Solve result as a function of parameters

Posted 1 year ago

Like the attached screenshot, I am trying to find b2 maximising a function I named 'EG1EUB'. And 'EG1EUBb2' is the frist order condition.
Based on my understanding, Solve gave me a single solution saying that b2 is the second root. And I believe that '#' is indicating b2.
So I want to take this second root as a new function of thetab1 and thetab2 which are parameters of my objective function. However, I couldn't find out how to do that. Below is my notebook that I am working on.

POSTED BY: Hyomin Kim
Posted 1 year ago

I found out that I cannot delet this. Someone else provided me solution. Just in case I'm leaving the link to that page

POSTED BY: Hyomin Kim
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