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Speeding up the computation of double integrals composed from double series

Posted 1 year ago

I need to compute integrals (for different value of i and j) of a function named se in this post. We need to double differentiate from se related to i and j and then compute double integrals over the domains of x and y. Integrating from se functions are very time consuming and produce errors that makes one doubt whether the results are correct or not. se function is build from chebyshev polynomial double series functions. chebyshev series is defined as below:

enter image description here


enter image description here

Uij, Vij, Wij, Xij and Yij are constants for each value of i and j differentiated the se functions according to them.

Ru(x,y), Rv(x,y), Rw(x,y), Rx(x,y) and Ry(x,y) (that are behind the series) are:

enter image description here

the power of p, q ,r ans s are assumed to be one. It is assumed Nx=Ny and defined by Np in the Mathematica code.

Let start to define the se function. We need some preliminaries. at first, we define some constants of our problem.

a = 0.0762;
b = 0.1016;
r = 0.762;
b = b/r;
h = 0.0003302;
Em = 68.947*10^9;
ru0 = 2657.27;
nu = 0.33;
G = Em/(2*(1 + nu));

Np = 10;
(*(Np is the number of series in chebyshev functions))*)
Nip = 100;
(*Nip is the number of dividing part of x and y in integration \

Q11 = Em/(-nu^2 + 1);
Q12 = Em*nu/(-nu^2 + 1);
Q22 = Q11;
Q44 = G;
Q55 = G;
Q66 = G;

A11 = Q11*h; A12 = Q12*h; A16 = 0; A22 = Q22*h; A26 = 0; A66 = 
 Q66*h; A44 = Q44*h; A55 = Q55*h; A45 = 0;

D11 = 1/3*((2*h^3)/8)*Q11;
D12 = Q12*1/3*((2*h^3)/8);
D16 = 0;
D22 = Q22*1/3*((2*h^3)/8);
D26 = 0;
D66 = Q66*1/3*((2*h^3)/8);de here

I define the constants of Uij, Vij, Wij, Xij and Yij as below and define Dis functions as a combination of them in a matrix with one row:

 DU = Array[U, {Np, Np}];
 DV = Array[V, {Np, Np}];
 DW= Array[W, {Np, Np}];
 DX = Array[X, {Np, Np}];
 DY= Array[Y, {Np, Np}];
 Dis= Join[ArrayReshape[DU, {1, Np^2}], ArrayReshape[DV, {1, Np^2}], 
 ArrayReshape[DW, {1, Np^2}], ArrayReshape[DX, {1, Np^2}], 
 ArrayReshape[DY, {1, Np^2}], 2];

I define the chebyshev functions as below:

pii[i_] := Cos[(i - 1)*ArcCos[(2*x/a)]];
  pjj[j_] := Cos[(j - 1)*ArcCos[(2*y/b)]];

  Ru = (1 + 2*x/a)*(1 - 2*x/a)*(1 + 2*y/b)*(1 - 2*y/b);
  Rv = (1 + 2*x/a)*(1 - 2*x/a)*(1 + 2*y/b)*(1 - 2*y/b);
  Rw = (1 + 2*x/a)*(1 - 2*x/a)*(1 + 2*y/b)*(1 - 2*y/b);
  Rx = (1 + 2*x/a)*(1 - 2*x/a)*(1 + 2*y/b)*(1 - 2*y/b);
  Ry = (1 + 2*x/a)*(1 - 2*x/a)*(1 + 2*y/b)*(1 - 2*y/b);

 up[i_, j_] := Ru*DU[[i, j]]*pii[i]*pjj[j];
 vp[i_, j_] := Rv*DV[[i, j]]*pii[i]*pjj[j];
 wp[i_, j_] := Rw*DW[[i, j]]*pii[i]*pjj[j];
 fixp[i_, j_] := Rx*DX[[i, j]]*pii[i]*pjj[j];
 fiyp[i_, j_] := Ry*DY[[i, j]]*pii[i]*pjj[j];

 u = Sum[up[z1, z2], {z1, Np}, {z2, Np}];
 v = Sum[vp[z1, z2], {z1, Np}, {z2, Np}];
 w = Sum[wp[z1, z2], {z1, Np}, {z2, Np}];
 fix = Sum[fixp[z1, z2], {z1, Np}, {z2, Np}];
 fiy = Sum[fiyp[z1, z2], {z1, Np}, {z2, Np}];

After some differentiations and algebraic computations as below:

exx0 = D[u, x];
 eyy0 = D[v, y] + w/r;
 gamaxy0 = D[v, x] + D[u, y];
 Xxx = D[fix, x];
 Xyy = D[fiy, y];
 Xxy = D[fix, y] + D[fiy, x];
 gamaxz = D[w, x] + fix;
 gamayz = D[w, y] + fiy;

 Nx = A11*exx0 + A12*eyy0 + A16*gamaxy0;
 Ny = A12*exx0 + A22*eyy0 + A26*gamaxy0;
 Nxy = A16*exx0 + A26*eyy0 + A66*gamaxy0;
 Mx = D11*Xxx + D12*Xyy + D16*Xxy;
 My = D12*Xxx + D22*Xyy + D26*Xxy;
 Mxy = D16*Xxx + D26*Xyy + D66*Xxy;
 Qx = 5/6*(A45*gamayz + A55*gamaxz);
 Qy = 5/6*(A44*gamayz + A45*gamaxz);

We define se function as:

se = 0.5*r*(Nx*exx0 + Ny*eyy0 + Nxy*gamaxy0 + Mx*Xxx + My*Xyy + 
 Mxy*Xxy + Qy*gamayz + Qx*gamaxz);

So, it the time to define M1 and K1 integrals. we should to take the double integrals from the second derivative of the se function with respect to the constant coefficients in Dis matrix. I defined these double integrals as follow according to trapezoidal rule of integration:

M1 := Compile[{i, j},
Block[{x, y, Dis, t, Nip},
ix1 = 
 Table[{x, D[t, Dis[[1, i]], Dis[[1, j]]]}, {x, -a/2, a/2, a/Nip}];
ix2 = 
 1./2.* Total[
   Differences[ix1[[All, 1]]] ListCorrelate[{1, 1}, 
     ix1[[All, 2]]]];
iy1 = Table[{y, ix2}, {y, -b/2, b/2, b/Nip}];
iy2 = 
 1./2.* Total[
   Differences[iy1[[All, 1]]] ListCorrelate[{1, 1}, 
     iy1[[All, 2]]]]; iy2]];

K1 := Compile[{i, j},
Block[{x, y, Dis, se, Nip},
ix1 = 
 Table[{x, D[se, Dis[[1, i]], Dis[[1, j]]]}, {x, -a/2, a/2, 
ix2 = 
 1./2.* Total[
   Differences[ix1[[All, 1]]] ListCorrelate[{1, 1}, 
     ix1[[All, 2]]]];
iy1 = Table[{y, ix2}, {y, -b/2, b/2, b/Nip}];
iy2 = 
   Differences[iy1[[All, 1]]] ListCorrelate[{1, 1}, 
     iy1[[All, 2]]]]; iy2]];

At last, we need to define the matrix of L1 with i product j dimensions (because we need to differentiate from se related to each i and j, so a i product j matrix is produced in this procedure) that i and j are 5*Np^2, as below;

  proc1[n_, f_] := 
    proc1[n, f] = Block[{res}, res = ConstantArray[0, {n, n}];
      Do[res[[i, j]] = res[[j, i]] = K1[i, j] - omega^2*M1[i, j], {i, 
        n}, {j, i}]; res];

 L1 = proc1[5*Np^2, Lm];// Timing

L1 is a matrix with 5Np^2 product 5Np^2 dimensions that we need as results. For Np is 1, 21 second is elapsed for program, and For Np=2, 95 seconds is elapsed (my computer is old, maybe in another pc, fewer time will be displayed). I need to consider Np 15 or more, but with this procedure, for Np= 4 or 5, The process takes several hours and because of errors, I am not sure the results are true? I will be appreciated to guide me to fastening the speed of computations and Overcoming the errors. **

All the above codes (in a notebook file) is in the attached file

Thank you

POSTED BY: Pooya Azizi
6 Replies

In your listing I only replaced your evaluation line

proc1[n_, f_] := Block[{res}, res = ConstantArray[0, {n, n}];
       Do[res[[i, j]] = res[[j, i]] = K1[i, j], {i, n}, {j, i}]; res];

by mine, that replaces the Do loop by an symmetric Array construct.

Function {i, j } ,   If[ i<= j ,  K1[i,j] ,K1[j.i]]

The If clause can be shortend by Sort Apply[K1, Sort[ { i, j } ]]

proc2[n_, f_] :=  
res = Array[( Funkiction[ {i ,j }, Apply[ [K1 ,  Sort[{#1, #2}], 10^-12] &), {n, 1}]

The runtime speed up by avoidance of Do-loops and logical branchings in this case is 1/50.

Since I see the warning of non existent array elements and lists of zeros, you can probably save much more time by streamlining the your code.

E.g. your double sums of ChebychevT und the U array are trival Dot products of vectors and matrices.

Sum[  U[i,k,x,y]  P[i,x] P[k,y] , {i},{k}]  = Dot[P[x][] ,Dot[ U[x,y],  P[y]]
POSTED BY: Roland Franzius
Posted 1 year ago

Thank you dear Roland. Is it possible for you to do these change in nb file and email for me ( because you write with some wrong notations and I can not do to correct them in code. Are you any suggestions for Integration strategy and Integration rule that reduce the computation time. the functions that should be integrated are periodic but we consider them in one period. Best regards and best wishes

POSTED BY: Pooya Azizi

Hi Pooya never ever Do anything in Mathematica :-)


    proc1[n_, f_] := Block[{res}, res = ConstantArray[0, {n, n}];
       Do[res[[i, j]] = res[[j, i]] = K1[i, j], {i, n}, {j, i}]; res];

    L1 = proc1[5*5^2, Lm] // Timing

    During evaluation of In[88]:= Part::partw: Part 6 of {U[1,1],V[1,1],W[1,1],X[1,1],Y[1,1]} does not exist.  .....

In[98]:= Short[L1,2]
Out[98]//Short= {151.391,{{1.07518*10^8,6.98492*10^-12,9.20975*10^-11,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,<<94>>,0.,.},<<124>>}}

And the symmetric Array construct with a Chop at 10^-7

    proc2[n_, f_] :=  
     res = Array[(Chop[K1 @@ Sort[{#1, #2}], 10^-12] &), {n, 1}]

    In[93]:= L2 = proc2[5*5^2, Lm] // Timing

    During evaluation of In[93]:= Part::partw: Part 6 of {U[1,1],V[1,1],W[1,1],X[1,1],Y[1,1]} does not exist.   .....

In[104]:= Short[L2,2]

Out[104]//Short= {3.67188,{{1.07518*10^8},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},{0},<<83>>,{0},{0},{0},{0},{}} 

Regards Roland

POSTED BY: Roland Franzius
Posted 1 year ago

Dear Roland Thank you for your help. I hope God will always help you in your life. Unfortunately, because I am not very professional in Mathematica, I don't understand your mean and don't understand what should I do. Could you please change my code (with considering Np=15) with your solution, and email it for me ( Thank you very much for your kindness

POSTED BY: Pooya Azizi

I downloaded the attached notebook and evaluated it. I don't see any performance problem (notebook i5, windows 10, mma 13.2)

proc1[n_, f_] := Block[{res}, res = ConstantArray[0, {n, n}];
   Do[res[[i, j]] = res[[j, i]] = K1[i, j], {i, n}, {j, i}]; res];

L1 = proc1[5*Np^2, Lm]; // Timing

Out[143]= {1.15625, Null}

If a Mathematica installation hangs with trivial algebra. it is a good idea to install it anew or at least to run it from a different user account. Sometimes it suffices to erase users mathematica directories.

POSTED BY: Roland Franzius
Posted 1 year ago

Dear Roland Thank you for your answer. the reason that the file execute without problem is that Np is 1 at the beginning of code. For small quantities of Np like 1 and 2, the elapsed time is not too long. but I need the Np more than 10 like 15.

please try again. I am very interested to know your opinions. Thank you

POSTED BY: Pooya Azizi
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