In the process of coding GraphEditor, at one point in the process of modifying the code, a need emerged to handle multiple EventHandler parts in an easy-to-understand manner. Therefore, I tried to simplify the handling of multiple EventHandlers by encapsulating them in object-oriented programming (OOP). In other words, by using OOP polymorphism, a good prospect was obtained.
Wolfram Document Sample of EventHandler
The Wolfram Document contains a sample that illustrates how to use EventHandler.
DynamicModule[{col = Green},
Dynamic[Graphics[{col, Disk[]},
ImageSize ->
Tiny]], {"MouseClicked" :> (col =
col /. {Red -> Green, Green -> Red})}]]
Object Oriented Programming for EventHandler First, let's try to express EventHandler in OOP.
diskClass1[name_[_]] := Module[
{col = Green},
style[name[test]] :=
Dynamic[Graphics[{col, Disk[]},
ImageSize ->
Tiny]], {"MouseClicked" :> (col =
col /. {Red -> Green, Green -> Red})}]
Construct an instance named alpha from class,
Ensure that it can be executed.
EventHandler Polymorphism with Method Preceded Definition
Next, let us try to represent multiple EventHandler by polymorphism, a property of OOP.
diskClass2[name_[_]] := Module[
{col1 = LightGreen,
col2 = LightGreen,
toggler = {LightRed -> LightGreen, LightGreen -> LightRed}},
style[name[clickable]] :=
Dynamic[Graphics[{col1, Disk[]},
ImageSize ->
Tiny]], {"MouseClicked" :> (col1 = col1 /. toggler)}];
style[name[stilldown]] :=
Dynamic[Graphics[{col2, Disk[]},
ImageSize -> Tiny]], {"MouseDown" :> (col2 = col2 /. toggler),
"MouseUp" :> (col2 = col2 /. toggler)}]
Construct an instance from the class, and then use as,
The same method, but with different parameters, appears to perform different functions .
{style[alpha[clickable]], style[alpha[stilldown]]}
EventHandler Polymorphism with Instance Preceded Definition
From a code-reading perspective, the order, instance-name [method [style]] might be better than calling it, method [instance-name [style]].
diskClass2[name_[_]] := Module[
{col1 = LightGreen,
col2 = LightGreen,
toggler = {LightRed -> LightGreen, LightGreen -> LightRed}},
name[style[clickable]] :=
Dynamic[Graphics[{col1, Disk[]},
ImageSize ->
Tiny]], {"MouseClicked" :> (col1 = col1 /. toggler)}];
name[style[stilldown]] :=
Dynamic[Graphics[{col2, Disk[]},
ImageSize -> Tiny]], {"MouseDown" :> (col2 = col2 /. toggler),
"MouseUp" :> (col2 = col2 /. toggler)}]
Construct an instance named alpha from class,
Let different behavior styles be instances of the same.
{alpha[style[clickable]], alpha[style[stilldown]]}
Since it is OOP, it is possible to create another instance with a different name.
{beta[style[clickable]], beta[style[stilldown]]}