Hi, I would like to solve the 1D Heat Transfer problem for $ T(x,t) $ on a rod of length $ L $ that has a sinus temperature at one end and is isolated at the other end:
(IBVP 1): $ T_t - a^2 T_xx = 0 $ with
BC: $ T(x=0,t) = T_1 sin(wt), T_x(x=L,t) = 0, $ and IC: $T(x,t=0) = T_0 $
This is easily solved using the NDSolveValue command (see below).
As I am finally interested in an analytic solution of (IBVP 1), in a frist step I reformulated the initial boundary value problem using
$T(x,t) = U(x,t) + f(t),$ with $ f(t) = T_1 sin(wt) $
arriving at the inhomogeneous (IBVP 2) with homogeneous BCs for $ U(x,t):$
(IBVP 2): $ U_t - a^2 U_xx = Q $ with $ Q=- df(t)/dt,$
BC: $U(x=0,t) = 0, U_x(x=L,t) = 0, $ IC: $ U(x,t=0) = T_0$
To confirm the identity of (IBVP 1) with (IBVP 2), I implemented both with the NDSolve command (see below). Surprisingly, the solutions are clearly different. Is there an error in my arguments? Is there a problem with my implementation of the numerical solution in NDSolve?
I noticed that an additional factor of 1000 to the souce term $ Q $ makes both solutions more similar. This brings me to the question of why the source term (as the time derivative of $f(t)$) is so very small .......?
Analytically, (IBVP 2) could be further analysed by Fourier sin transformation. If there is a known analytical solution of IBVP 1, I would be very happy for a hint to a reference. I would be very grateful for any suggestions. Thank you!
Here is my implementation in Mathematica: