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How to convert pediatric lab and vital signs data into a curate dataset?

Posted 1 year ago

I am trying to build a visualization for use in determining if vitals and/or labs are in the correct ranges for a patient gestational age and weight. I want to take data such as.

and convert it in a dataset/tree/xml data files that I can pull from to visualize what is normal vs abnormal for a given patient.

Tried reading on Wolfram Data Framework, and not getting an understanding how to build these into a curated dataset.
Any guidance or references/articles would be helpful.

Thank you,

POSTED BY: Timothy Hartzog
4 Replies

Thank you, very helpful. Question- Quantities. How would you add units to the data, for example weight stored in grams but be able to encode later data in kilograms when the table expands include kids in the 30 to 40 kg range. Same for days, versus months versus years.

Again thank you.

POSTED BY: Timothy Hartzog

You're welcome. Personally, I prefer to keep values without any quantities in my Datasets as it will make processing them more cumbersome as I may have to use quantities in my keys too.

I usually I will work with the Quantity Magnitudes when processing data and add Quantities back in at the end of the data analysis.

I will add some examples to the uploaded notebook on how to add the quantities back into the Dataset if you prefer.

POSTED BY: Dave Middleton

Timothy, you can find my answers with code examples on how to add Quantities to the dataset in an edited version of the initial notebook post. Have fun with the project.

POSTED BY: Dave Middleton

POSTED BY: Dave Middleton
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