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Calculate using different matrices A and B

Posted 1 year ago

Obtain two sets of state matrices A1, B1, and A2, B2 from the circuit drawn by System Modeler. The following code needs to use two sets of matrices for calculation. How can I use two sets of matrices without duplicating the code below?

{r = 22, l = 2 10^-1, c = 1 10^-4, vi = 24, initvalueil = 0, 
  initvaluevc = 0, tstart = 0, tend = 0.08, stepsize = 0.00006};
model = SystemModelLinearize["Model2", 
    Method -> {"SymbolicDerivative", 
        "SymbolicParameters" -> {"r", "l", "c", "k1", "k2"}}];
kVals = Thread[{QuantityVariable["k1", 
        IndependentPhysicalQuantity[""]]} -> #] & /@ {{False, 
     True}, {True, False}};
spacemodel = {#, model /. #} & /@ kVals;
rule = {QuantityVariable["r", IndependentPhysicalQuantity[""]] -> r, 
   QuantityVariable["l", IndependentPhysicalQuantity[""]] -> l, 
   QuantityVariable["c", IndependentPhysicalQuantity[""]] -> c};
spacemodel1 = spacemodel[[1, 2]] /. rule;
spacemodel2 = spacemodel[[2, 2]] /. rule;
(*Two sets of state matrices A1,B1 and A2,B2*)
A1 = spacemodel1[[1, 1]];
B1 = Flatten[spacemodel1[[1, 2]]];
A2 = spacemodel2[[1, 1]];
B2 = Flatten[spacemodel2[[1, 2]]];
X = Transpose[{{vc, il}}];
X0 = Transpose[{{0, 0}}];
(*Can I include matrices A1,B1,A2,and B2 in A and B below,and only \
calculate once to obtain corresponding results and curves?*)

Asi = s*DiagonalMatrix[{1, 1}] - A;(*Matrix A*)
AA = Inverse[Asi];
eAt = InverseLaplaceTransform[AA, s, t];
eAt\[Tau] = ReplaceAll[eAt, t -> t - \[Tau]];
X = eAt . X0 + Integrate[eAt\[Tau] . B*vi, {\[Tau], 0, t}](*Matrix B*)
vc = X[[1, 1]];
il = X[[2, 1]];
p1 = Plot[{il}, {t, 0, .08}, AxesLabel -> {"s", "il[t]/A"}, 
  PlotLegends -> {"LaplaceTransform"}, PlotStyle -> {Green}, 
  PlotRange -> All]
p2 = Plot[{vc}, {t, 0, .08}, AxesLabel -> {"s", "vc[t]/A"}, 
  PlotLegends -> {"LaplaceTransform"}, PlotStyle -> {Yellow}, 
  PlotRange -> All]

For detailed code and problem description, see Appendix Notebook and Circuit.

POSTED BY: James James
2 Replies

POSTED BY: Sergio Vargas
Posted 1 year ago

Hello, sir! Thank you very much for your answer, which fits my needs very well.

POSTED BY: James James
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