I have a function it uses two list of values. the shape of x and y list gives a triangle.
xlist={-1., -0.447214, 0.447214, 1., -1., -0.333333, 0.447214, -1.,-0.447214, -1.}
ylist={-1., -1., -1., -1., -0.447214, -0.333333, -0.447214, 0.447214,0.447214, 1.}
function f=(1 + 2x +5) (3 + 5 y)
I want to plot function in 3d with xlist on x axis ylist in y axis and see the funtion using this values in plot
I usually plot with x and y "min max range" with function, it gives a rectangle domain style shape as expected.
In this plot it will seem like a triangle bended carpet shape
Thanks a lot regards