I just installed Mathematica 10 on my Mac and I am testing the features I use most often. I noticed that when I use PlotMarkers option with ErrorListPlot the errorbars disappear. For example
ErrorListPlot[RandomReal[{0, 1}, {10, 2}], PlotMarkers -> Automatic]
plots the points but not the errorbars. Eliminating PlotMarkers->Automatic brings back the errorbars.
Can anybody else verify this issue? I would like to know whether this is something due to my configuration, or is it a Math 10 bug. This works fine on my Mathematica 9.
Note: I believe this is a bug. The help system doesn't report any changes from the pervious version. If this were a new feature, there should be a way to alter the shape of the symbols while still retaining the errorbars (after all this is the reason for using ErrorListPlot rather than ListPlot).