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Chat block divider in a Chat-Enabled Notebook using Swedish keyboard

2 Replies

Thanks for reporting this. I've created an issue on GitHub to track this here.

POSTED BY: Richard Hennigan

Hi M. Richard,

The CellDelimiter issue is the same for many keyboards, not only Swedish, for instance French (AZERTY) one too. I know you opened an issue and solved it (last week) by adding a new style on the "Format> Style" list. We've been able to do the same during the WSS'23, and it shows the Cell Delimited. However, I'm not quite sure if the following prompts to this Cell Delimiter are independent from the previous prompts (before the cell delimiter). For instance, I've added the style ChatDelimiter in a ChatNotebook but the it still kept saying that i reached the maximum 4096 tokens, which means it still takes into consideration the previous prompts. I think something else must be changed besides the chatdelimited style. Could you please try to add the Cell delimiter after reaching the maximum 4096 tokens limit? I'm talking of course about the style we've added during the WSS'23 not the one you've shown on the githut #229 , I guess we'll get access to in the next version. Thanks for your support.

POSTED BY: Ghassane Aniba
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