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Solving system of equations in six unknowns: incomplete solution

Posted 1 year ago

Hi, I am trying to solve these equations using Mathematica but I found incomplete solution with grey spaces, may you please assist.

Solve[{r1 Cos[th1] + r2 Cos[th2] + r3 Cos[th3] == a1 &&
            r1 Sin[th1] + r2 Sin[th2] + r3 Sin[th3] == a2 &&
         e r1 Cos[th1] - h r1 Sin[th1] + f r2 Cos[th2] - 
     i r2 Sin[th2] + g r3 Cos[th3] - j r3 Sin[th3] == b1 &&
         e r1 Sin[th1] + h r1 Cos[th1] + f r2 Sin[th2] + 
     i r2 Cos[th2] + g r3 Sin[th3] + j r3 Cos[th3] == b2 &&
         k r1 Cos[th1] - n r1 Sin[th1] + l r2 Cos[th2] - 
     o r2 Sin[th2] + m r3 Cos[th3] - p r3 Sin[th3] == c1 &&
         k r1 Sin[th1] + n r1 Cos[th1] + l r2 Sin[th2] + 
     o r2 Cos[th2] + m r3 Sin[th3] + p r3 Cos[th3] == c2 }, {r1, r2, 
  r3, th1, th2, th3}]

I am solving for r1, r2, r3, th1,th2 and th3.

POSTED BY: Sibusiso Mthembu

Your equation has 18 parameters. You have to expect that the full solution, if you can get it, will be very very complicated. Mathematica will display a summary. What do you need the solution for?

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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