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Importing *.SEQ files?

Does anyone know of a way to import a .SEQ file. I see that it is not one of the supported file formats, but I'm wondering if, since it is a plain text format, that there might be a work around. On the other hand, when I try to read the file in a simple text editor, all I see is unintelligible characters, so perhaps it is a lost cause. I've attached the file that I am trying to open here. I had to change the file extension (to .TXT) in order to be allowed to attach the file, because even the online portal recognizes that the *.SEQ file format is not supported. There is a program that runs in MatLab (XtalCAMP) that people use to visualize these types of data, but I'm much happier coding in Mathematica, if I can get the data imported somehow.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks for your help.


POSTED BY: Matty Mookerjee

Someone reply to my question (their post was removed for some reason) and suggested that I could potentially change the file extension from .SEQ to .TXT or CSV or the like. Just FYI, I did try that, but I get the following error message:

Read::readt: Invalid input found when reading <<5539>> from C:\Users\mooke\Desktop\ADA9_ - Copy.TXT.

I know that Mathematica can open scripts in other languages (e.g., C++, Python, etc.), and I'm wondering if it would be possible to write a Python script to convert a .SEQ file to .CSV, and then my Mathematica notebook could open that script, run it, and then use the resulting CSV file to create the graphics that I need. I have never used Mathematica to run an external script before, so I want a sanity check to see if this is a rabbit hole worth pursuing.



POSTED BY: Matty Mookerjee
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