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Multiline or multicolumn tabs in TabView

Posted 1 year ago

Does anybody know if it is possible to have multiline or multicolumn tabs of a TabView?

For example having the tabs from one to twenty to be displayed on two lines from one to ten and from eleven to twenty while still being in the same group of tabs (tabs going to a new line after ten).

  "one" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un"

  "two" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux"

  "three" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois"

  "four" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois",
     "quatre" -> "quatre"

  "five" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois",
     "quatre" -> "quatre",
     "cinq" -> "cinq"

  "six" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois"

  "seven" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois"

  "eight" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois"
  "nine" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois"

  "ten" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois"

  "eleven" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"

  "twelve" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"

  "thirteen" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"

  "fourteen" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"

  "fifteen" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois"

  "sixteen" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"

  "seventeen" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"

  "heighteen" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"

  "nineteen" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"

   -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"


Same problem for the first column of a TabView: how to split a long column into two shorter columns for the same group of tabs.

  "one" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un"

  "two" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux"

  "three" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois"

  "four" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois",
     "quatre" -> "quatre"

  "five" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois",
     "quatre" -> "quatre",
     "cinq" -> "cinq"

  "six" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois"

  "seven" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois"

  "eight" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois"
  "nine" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois"

  "ten" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois"

  "eleven" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"

  "twelve" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"

  "thirteen" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"

  "fourteen" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"

  "fifteen" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un",
     "deux" -> "deux", 
     "trois" -> "trois"

  "sixteen" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"

  "seventeen" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"

  "heighteen" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"

  "nineteen" -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"

   -> TabView[
    {"un" -> "un", "deux" -> "deux"

 ControlPlacement -> Left

Thank you beforehand for a solution.

Kindest regards.

POSTED BY: Gianni Mocellin
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