I am trying to reproduce some results that were originally generated by a Fortran package that executed on a CDC 7600 mainframe (back in the late 1970s). The results are obtained by summing a large number (up to 15000) rapidly oscillating terms in what is called a Partial Wave Sum.
I cannot get my MMA code to match the old results and I think that it may be down to numerical rounding/convergence issues. I believe that Fortran double precision meant that a DP variable was stored as two physical words of memory (each of which had 60 bits on a 7600).
I'm running MMA on a MacBook Pro with 64-bit Apple silicon and I have tried tweaking Working Precision, Accuracy Goal and the like but with no visible benefits.
Is it possible to coerce MMA into using two 64-bit words per variable, or are there more elegant ways of handling these kinds of issue?
Any help gratefully received.