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Optimization with recursive variables

Posted 1 year ago

Hi eveyone!

I am playing around with Mathematica, trying to implement an optimization that Matlab struggles to solve. The optimization uses variables that evolve recursively based on their previous state and some other optimization variables.

To solve this problem, I could "unroll" recursion and solve the optimization over a few optimization variables, or introduce equalities in the optimization to obtain the recursive evolution I mentioned above. While the first possibility quickly explodes in size and becomes untractable, implementing the second optimization in Mathematica seems not to be trivial. I am attaching my notebook to show how I implemented the recursive implementation in my code


This version of the optimization treats all variables as independent and, given the size of the problem and the number of equalities, the solver is very slow.

Is there a different way to implement/code the optimization I posted?

Any help or suggestion is more than welcome!
Thank you very much for the help,

POSTED BY: Christian Vitale

I tookthe liberty to change somewhat the style of the coding, but the only meaningful change is in the variable constraintsm1, which was very deeply nested. However, the following code gives an answer very quiclky:

delta = 1/10; dt = 1/10; horizon = 20; x = 0;
y = 1/10; psi = 1/2; cx = 8; cy = 8; r = 3/2;
Ak[dt_, uv_, upsi_] := {{1, 0, dt*uv, 0},
   {0, 1, 0, dt*uv},
   {0, 0, Cos[dt*upsi], -Sin[dt*upsi]},
   {0, 0, Sin[dt*upsi], Cos[dt*upsi]}};
Amom1[i_] := Ak[dt, uv[i], upsi[i]];
m1[0] = {{x}, {y}, {Cos[psi]}, {Sin[psi]}};
m1[i_] := Table[Subscript[a[i], k, l],
    {k, 4}, {l, 1}];
uvArray = Array[uv, horizon];
upsiArray = Array[upsi, horizon];
List1 = Array[m1, horizon];
List2 = Table[Amom1[i] . m1[i - 1], {i, horizon}];
constraintsm1 = Thread[Flatten[List1] == Flatten[List2]];
vars = Join[uvArray, upsiArray, Flatten[List1]];
f[x_] := objectiveFunction;  (* Objective function *)
PrintPartialResult[iteration_, vars_] :=
      Print["Iteration ", iteration, ": f(x) = ",
    f[vars], ", x = ", vars];
iteration = 1;  (* Initialize iteration count *)
averageObstacleExpression[m1Aux_, obstacleExpression_] := 
  obstacleExpression /. {x1 -> m1Aux[[1, 1]], x2 -> m1Aux[[2, 1]]};
squaredObstacleExpression = averageObstacleExpression;
averageObstacleAux2 = Expand[(x1 - cx)^2 + (x2 - cy)^2 - r^2];
constraintsaverageObstacle1 = 
  Table[-averageObstacleExpression[m1[i], averageObstacleAux2] <= 0,
   {i, horizon}];
objectiveFunctionAux2 = Expand[(x1 - cx)^2 + (x2 - cy)^2];
squaredObstacleAux2 = Expand[((x1 - cx)^2 + (x2 - cy)^2 - r^2)^2];
constraintsaverageObstacle2 = 
  Table[(4/9 - delta) squaredObstacleExpression[m1[i], 
       squaredObstacleAux2] -
     4/9 averageObstacleExpression[m1[i], averageObstacleAux2]^2 <= 
   {i, horizon}];
objectiveFunction = 
  averageObstacleExpression[m1[horizon], objectiveFunctionAux2];
constraintsaverageObstacle3 = 
  Table[5/8 squaredObstacleExpression[m1[i], squaredObstacleAux2] - 
     averageObstacleExpression[m1[i], averageObstacleAux2]^2 <= 0,
   {i, horizon}];
  Thread[0 <= uvArray <= 20],
  Thread[-Pi <= upsiArray <= Pi],
 StepMonitor :> PrintPartialResult[iteration++, vars]]

Actually, the constraints constraintsaverageObstacle2 are superfluous, because they are all of the form k^2>=0.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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