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Biochemical kinetics question using published equation for finding optimized values of dissociation

I am attempting to fit my data to equation 6 of the attached PDF. I have written the following Mathematica notebook and appear to be missing something because the results are very complicated and don't match what is expected. Any ideas of what I am doing wrong? Suggestions appreciated. Thank you.

POSTED BY: John McLaughlin

Hello, Dr. John McLaughlin,

My name is Edward Oropeza, and I am a Master's student in Biotechnology at Johns Hopkins University with a concentration in Bioinformatics. I recently had the opportunity to review the research material you've shared.

If no one has reached out to you yet on this matter, I have devised a potential solution that could be valuable to your ongoing research.

Given my background and experience as a published scholar—with at least one more publication forthcoming—I am keen to explore opportunities for collaboration. May I inquire if there would be a possibility for co-authorship should my contributions prove significant after we discuss integrating them into your work?

Please feel free to reach out to me at your earliest convenience to talk about this more. I'm looking forward to contributing to this exciting project. (

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