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Plotting basic reproduction number (R0) of a compartmental model

Hello Everyone,
I hope everyone seeing this post will be in good health.
I need help regarding basic reproduction number, which is related to Mathematical Biology.
Actually, I do not know how to plot basic reproduction number, I hope seeking help in this regard.
The notebook which includes the basic reproduction number (R0) and values of involved parameters is uploaded here, I hope you will help me in this.

POSTED BY: Burhanuddin Safi
4 Replies

Two variables? Here are two ways:

\[CapitalLambda] = 0.124913/30;
\[Mu] = 0.0000171;
\[Mu]1 = 0.0003975322;
Plot3D[(\[CapitalLambda] gamma)/(\[Mu] (\[Mu] + \[Epsilon]2 + \[Mu]1)),
 {\[Epsilon]2, 0, 0.001}, {gamma, 1, 3}]
 Plot[(\[CapitalLambda] gamma)/
   (\[Mu] (\[Mu] + \[Epsilon]2 + \[Mu]1)),
  {\[Epsilon]2, -0.001, 0.001}],
 {gamma, 1, 3}]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

Thank you very much sir

POSTED BY: Burhanuddin Safi

Here is how to get a basic plot:

\[CapitalLambda] = 0.124913/30;
\[Mu] = 0.0000171; 
\[Mu]1 = 0.0003975322;
\[Gamma]  = 0.000019178082;
\[Epsilon]2 = 0.09864531;
time = 90;
R0 = (\[CapitalLambda] \[Gamma])/(\[Mu] ( \[Mu] + 
    Subscript[\[Epsilon], 2] + \[Mu]1))
Plot[R0, {Subscript[\[Epsilon], 2], -0.001, 0.001}]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

Thank you very much sir. Is it possible to plot the graph with two parameters epsilon2 and gamma? Please help.

POSTED BY: Burhanuddin Safi
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