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Angular gauge scale displays fractions instead of decimals. How to get decimals only?

Posted 1 year ago

I recently upgraded the Mathematica version to 13 and moved to a new computer. I'm assuming my issue is some long-forgotten setting, but does anyone know why my last angular gauge scale in the attached screenshot contains fractions instead of decimals? I will occasionally get fractions on the price scale when using stock chart functionality as well.

Gold star to whoever can point to the setting I need to change.

All the best!!

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Cory Haupt
7 Replies
Posted 1 year ago

Try this until you find the source of the trouble.

Put $Post=N at the beginning of your code. All subsequent calculations will be numeric.

Then put $Post=. at the end of the code to return to the default mode.

POSTED BY: Nelson Zink
Posted 1 year ago

Thank you! This corrects the problem for now.

All the best!

POSTED BY: Cory Haupt
Posted 1 year ago

Actually, I'm a little surprised that AngularGauge doesn't have a fractional scale option.

POSTED BY: Nelson Zink
Posted 1 year ago

I thought it might as well.

POSTED BY: Cory Haupt

Talking of decimal points, until a few versions ago GeoScaleBar gave integers as scale tags, as in

GeoGraphics[Entity["Country", "UnitedKingdom"], 
GeoScaleBar -> Placed["Kilometers", {Right, Top}]]

Now the numbers have decimal points, as in 100. km

I suppose the change is not intentional, because the example pictures in the documentation still show integers, until we re-evaluate.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

I get decimals with this code and version 13.3:

AngularGauge[.2, {-1., 10.0}, ScaleOrigin -> {Pi, 0.0}, 
 ScaleRanges -> {{-1.0, .49} -> Green, {.5, 10.} -> Red},
 GaugeLabels -> "Sahm Rule Recession Ind."]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 1 year ago

I'm on 13.1. I subscribe to a yearly subscription, but in their infinite wisdom, the folks at Wolfram stopped allowing yearly subscribers to update. I'm stuck on whatever version is available on the day I subscribe unless I pay for the support package. This is annoying because my renewal date is typically just before the major revision. With that off my chest, copying and pasting your code into 13.1 yields fractions for me. I very much appreciate the post!

All the best.

POSTED BY: Cory Haupt
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