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A specific usage of "Solve" function

Posted 1 year ago

It is something from, that intend to minimize the number of variables. The problem is the usage of ``Solve". I know how to solve equations, like

Solve[x^2 + a x + 1 == 0, x]

However, for

Solve[pol == p + q + r - b && a + b == p + q + r, pol, {b, q, p, r}]

I am confused about "pol" and its position ``Solve[pol == p + q + r - b && a + b == p + q + r, ? , {b, q, p, r}]". I can not find any similar examples like this in the help document. How does it work? Is "pol" an expression or a variable? May I have more examples?

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POSTED BY: Lingfei Li
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