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Why the 3D plot is chopped in corners?

Posted 1 year ago

Mathematica does a strange thing - when I plot a function in 3D, sometimes the plot is shown as if its head is chopped in the corners/edges as if the function's value is fixed in these regions of the domain (although I know it is not).

Here are two examples where this happens -

Plot3D[(((1 + y^2 + 
      2 x y) - ((x^(10 - 1)) (1 + x y) (x + y)))/(((1 + y^2 + 
        2 x y)) - (1 + x y) (x + y)))/10, {y, -1, 1}, {x, -1, 1}]


Plot3D[(((2 10^2) + 1)/(3 10))+((10^2 - 1)/(6 10))(((x^(10 - 1))(2 - x^10)(1 + y x)(x + y)-(1 + y^2 + 2x y))/((1 - x^10)(1 + y^2 + x y) + y x((1 - x^(10 - 2))))), {y, -1, 1}, {x, -1, 1}]

Any thoughts/suggestions for resolving this will be very much appreciated.

I attach a screenshot of the two plots for you to see what I mean.

Thank you.


POSTED BY: Daniel Levy
2 Replies

Thank you! Yes, that solved the problem.

POSTED BY: Daniel Levy
Posted 1 year ago

I think your function is heading to infinity as x->1 and y->1. So, Mathematica is choosing how much of the plot to show. You can make your own choice with the PlotRange option.

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey
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