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Solve a multi-variable equation for one variable

Posted 1 year ago

I want to plug this into Mathematica. Please help

ln(x) − ln(y) = b − 2 ln(y) + a x Solve for y; assume x>0.

Thank you

POSTED BY: Zegna Picano
2 Replies

A slight variation:

Solve[Log[x] - Log[y] == b - 2 Log[y] + a x,
 y, Reals, Assumptions -> x > 0]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 1 year ago
Solve[Log[x] - Log[y] == b - 2 Log[y] + a x, {y}, 
 Assumptions -> x > 0]
POSTED BY: Fathy Dorrah
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