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Improve analysis interface for sensitivity analysis visualization

Posted 9 months ago

I realize the title of this question may seem a bit broad or vague. Indeed, I am looking for a general idea of how to improve the capabilities of an interface, rather than a detailed description.

I have a code that solves an engineering problem and allows the user to choose between design options for several parameters. I arranged that part of the code in a window with a grid of RadioButton commands where the user selects the options.

Currently the user can make the selections, run the input set-up and the solver notebooks and then see plots of the behavior of several parameters of interest. What I would like to do is to allow the user to make not just one set of selections, but two sets of selections (sensitivity analysis), run the input set-up and the solver for the two sets and display plots of the behavior of parameters of interest for the two sets of selections side by side. This would allow for a quick evaluation of the impact of design choices.

My question is: would it be possible to achieve this by wrapping something around my current code (or even by launching two kernels??!!), so that it can keep track of two separate cases? The code is not exactly tiny; it is spread over around 15 notebooks, although each notebook is relatively small. The alternative I see would be to modify my entire code to add an additional label to each affected quantity so that the evaluations of the cases to be compared could be kept separate from each other.

Thanks in advance. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Otto Linsuain

POSTED BY: Otto Linsuain
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