I have two points with a name and a latitude and longitude that I would like to plot on a map. The map would show the location as a red dot tagged by the name.
bw = GeoPosition[{51.7091931533413, -1.25457498392513}];
lba = GeoPosition[{51.4976561183666, -0.127636445324134}];
When I use GeoListPlot I get a map with the points and tag, but it doesn’t have geographic information.
points = GeoListPlot[{
Labeled[Point[bw], "BW", Left],
Labeled[Point[lba], "LBA", Left]
When I use GeoGraphics I get a map with the points and geographic information, but I can’t get the tags. When I put used Labeled I get the message, Labeled is not a Graphics primitive or directive. I’ve tried other approaches, but none work.
GeoGraphics[{Red, PointSize[Large],
How can I get a map with the points, tags, and geographic information?