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Square Grid Universe: programming one as a hypergraph rewriting ruleset

Posted 1 year ago

Unfolding space teaser

POSTED BY: Myk Konovalow
2 Replies
Posted 9 months ago

I like that you are able to "design" a rule that constructs a 2-D grid. It brings success to an endeavor that appears difficult to do, at least within the confines of the Wolfram topological system. I also like your other post, "How Do Particles Talk?” – a communication framework, In your other post you explain how information can be stored in the nodes of a grid.

Perhaps between these two posts, you or others may be able design a 3-D grid or lattice? If these information storage and design principles work, additional features can be programmed in to approach something closer to a real physics model.

POSTED BY: Carl Lundgren

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