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3D Plot of simple x,y,z,time?

Posted 10 months ago
table = Table[<|"obs" -> Quantity[N[i/50], "Seconds"], 
   "x" -> data[[i, "x"]], "y" -> data[[i, "y"]], 
   "z" -> data[[i, "z"]]|>, {i, Length[data]}]

Where i is a simple integer unit counter (in this case, it's 1/50th of a second).

Given the above, how the heck do I produce a 3D plot? I can't seem to come up with anything other than a blank box.

POSTED BY: Steven Buehler
Posted 10 months ago

It would be helpful to post at least some of the data so that we can do some experimentation. For example, using an expression like this, data[[i, "z"]] implies that your data is a list of associations, which might impact how we solve this.

In the meantime, you might want to look at ParametricPlot3D. From what you've provided so far, that seems like the most promising strategy to me.

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey
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