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Mathematica 10 on Linux Mint 17: Manipulate does not work

Posted 11 years ago


I just upgraded from Mathematica 9 to Mathematica 10 and encountered a problem with manipulate. When I execute manipulate, the output looks fine - but I cannot use the sliders or input a new value for the variable, which I want to manipulate. The funny thing is, when I start the autorun (the little plus sign on the top right corner of the manipulate output) it works as it should...

I guess there's the control elements do not work properly in the manipulate mask.

And I all manipulate functions I call have this problem - also the demonstrations in the Mathematica help.

I'm using Mathematica on Linux Mint 17 (Kernel 3.13.0-32)

Did you also encounter this problem?

Thanks in advance!

3 Replies

Hi Juergen,

I am running Mathematica Version "10.2.0 for Linux x86 (32-bit) (July 6, 2015)" on Kubuntu 14.04 (LTS). I am not experiencing any problems. Same with versions 10.0 and 10.1. Mathematicas system requirements do not mention Mint. So I would rather change my system instead of using version 9; version 10.2 has too many advantages!

Regards -- Henrik

POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner

Hello Jurgen,

I am encountering the same problem you describe, also with version 10 on ubuntu (I think 14).

At least after reading your post I learned about the Autorun trick, thanks.

At some point I thought I had fixed this by making sure the box 'Dynamic Evaluation Enabled' under 'Evaluation' was checked. But that most have been an illusion. Right now that is not helping. It seems to be an issue with Linux. It is possible there may be an easy fix, like some very hidden setting that comes with the wrong default in the Linux version, but I am speculating...



POSTED BY: Otto Linsuain
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