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More efficient way to extract info about Wolfram symbols and their docs?

Posted 10 months ago

Hello! I am working on the Clojure -> Wolfram bridge lib, . One of the things we want to do is to "import" information about available Wolfram symbols (functions, entities, etc.) and their docs. What we do now is asking Wolfram to evaluate


but it is really slow, taking something between 30 and 60s on my Mac. I wonder if there is some faster way to get this information?

Thank you! Cheers, Jakub

POSTED BY: Jakub Holý
2 Replies
Posted 9 months ago

Thanks a lot, Rohit! The original code takes over 30s while yours just a few. Many thanks!

POSTED BY: Jakub Holý
Posted 10 months ago

Apart from the initial download, this should be faster

data = EntityValue[WolframLanguageData[], {"Name", "PlaintextUsage"}, "EntityPropertyAssociation"];
data // Shallow
data[Entity["WolframLanguageSymbol", "Sin"]]
POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
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