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Data on EU countries. Something other than UNdata and eurostat?

Posted 1 year ago


My goal is to find certain statistical information about different countries of european union(related to things like employment, crime,cost of living,immigration, social nets etc.), however im quite new to this and i have no idea where to look.

I have found two major sources of data: eurostat and UNdata, but i was wondering if there are some other sources out there that i couldn't find on google?

POSTED BY: Nick Kiggers
3 Replies

WolframAlpha and the Entity framework may have the data you are looking for. E.g.

WolframAlpha["European union country data"]

euCountries = EntityList@EntityClass["Country", "EuropeanUnion"]

EntityValue[Entity["Country", "Austria"], "PropertyAssociation"] // DeleteMissing // Dataset
POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
Posted 1 year ago

Where does the data itself come from?

POSTED BY: Nick Kiggers

The Source EntityType provides information on the source of the data. Check the documentation for details.

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
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