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Finding the zeros and residues of a conformal mapping function

Posted 6 months ago
miu[zeta_] := (epsilon[1]*(1 + zeta)^2 + epsilon[2]*(1 - zeta)^2)/(4*
         zeta) + Sqrt[(epsilon[1]*(1 + zeta)^2 + 
            epsilon[2]*(1 - zeta)^2)^2 - 16*zeta^2]/(4*zeta)
    omega[zeta_] := (a + b)/2*miu[zeta] + (a - b)/(2*miu[zeta])
    omegaPoles = Solve[Denominator[omega[zeta]] == 0, zeta]

I'm attempting to find the poles and residue of the function omega[zeta]. However, the output for omegaPoles is empty. Are the poles of this function at zero or at infinity?

Thank you in advance for your help and suggestions.

POSTED BY: Bi Shengfan
2 Replies

Denominator works on the unsimplified expression. Use Together to get over a common denominator.

omegaPoles = Solve[Denominator[Together@omega[zeta]] == 0, zeta]
POSTED BY: Michael Rogers
Posted 6 months ago

Thank you for your guidance. The output value is {{zeta -> 0}}.

POSTED BY: Bi Shengfan
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