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How to perform this integration symbolically?

Posted 10 months ago

Hello, I need to evaluate the following integral expression symbolically using Integrate:

-(Sqrt[Pi]*Integrate[E^u^2*(-4*Erf[u]+4*Erf[u]^2)*(Erfc[u]-(2*u*(E^(-u^2)-Sqrt[Pi]*u*Erfc[u]))/Sqrt[Pi]), {u, 0,Infinity}])/2

I have reasons to expect that the result of this integration is equal 4/Pi - 1, which can be verified numerically after replacing Integrate by NIntegrate. Unfortunately, Integrate seems unable to obtain this result symbolically. Is there any way to change this situation? Leslaw

POSTED BY: Leslaw Bieniasz

Version 13.3 gives the result in an instant.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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