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Input forms in SpectralLineData

Hello, I'm using the SpectralLineData function documented at:

Does anyone know what the yellow boxes in the Examples are called? I'd like to learn how to go back and forth between these boxes and normal code, but I don't know what the boxes are called so I can't research how to use them.


POSTED BY: Joe Prendergast
2 Replies
Posted 1 year ago

The yellow boxes with the little grid icon at the left are EntityClass "objects". The other yellow boxes are Entity "objects". The yellow boxes are just a display form. You can always see the full Mathematica expression for something by using FullForm. So, you can copy-paste one of the yellow boxes to a new cell and then evaluate FullForm on it.

POSTED BY: Eric Rimbey
Posted 1 year ago

Hello. I see the yellow boxes as a compact, icon style, way of representing complex data. Printing out the data in full could swamp the notebook.

From the SpectralLineData documentation, with some additions:

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Hans Milton
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